Delegates for the 2nd Commonwealth Chemistry Congress

Every Commonwealth country will be represented by up to three Early Career Chemists. In addition, the President or one office holder from The Chemical Society of Pakistan will be invited to join the Congress and participate in the 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Commonwealth Chemistry on Thursday 25th May 2023.

We expect that, wherever possible, the travel and accommodation for the three Early Career Chemist delegates and the Chemical Society representative will be funded by their society or university/organization. Commonwealth Chemistry will provide funding to ensure their participation if it is not possible to secure some or all of the funding to cover these costs. Accommodations for the Congress will be at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre. The cost for the accommodation and conference attendance is expected to be in the region of USD 835.00 per delegate.

For wider participation, an additional two delegates per country may attend, however, these will not be funded by Commonwealth Chemistry. These additional delegates can be either Early Career Chemists or AGM delegates.

If you are interested in sending additional delegates to the Congress, we ask that you contact the Secretariat by Monday 22 August 2022. Based on these expressions of interest, the Local Organising Committee will calculate the cost per additional delegate, which we will share with you in early September. We will then ask for confirmation of the number of delegates and their roles by mid-September.

The Early Career Chemist delegates for each country will be chosen by the Chemical Society or designated organisation. Attached is a document with more information about the selection criteria for delegates. We have also attached a template application form that you may wish to use to evaluate the applications in your country. Within this form, we have suggested each applicant provide a letter supporting their attendance and the information and documents needed by the Scientific Organising Committee. This form is also available to download from our website if you would like to share the link with your Early Career community.

In selecting the successful candidates, the panel must consider diversity and inclusion – in particular the target for the Congress of 40% female participants – and ensure that at least one of their delegates is a woman. We also ask that you consider diversity across the scientific themes to ensure a balanced program.

You must complete the evaluation and selection of your delegates and provide their details to the Secretariat by Tuesday 1 November 2022.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming your delegation to Trinidad and Tobago in May 2023.

With best wishes,

Ale, Andrew, and Aurora
Dr. Ale Palermo, Dr. Andrew Shore, and Dr. Aurora Walshe
Commonwealth Chemistry Secretariat
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Summary of important deadlines:

Monday 22 August:       Deadline for expression of interest for additional delegates
Mid-September:            Confirmation of the number of delegates per country
Tuesday 1 November:   Submit names of delegates to the Secretariat


For further guidance click here
Download the application form.